Registration of Interest Process

Residential Land Options for the
Regional Accelerated Housing Program

The Opportunity

The Northern Territory Government has released a Request for Tender (RFT) seeking submissions from interested parties to deliver new residential dwellings in Alice Springs and Katherine. These dwellings will support the ongoing delivery of services in the region and also provide residential accommodation, an important element of the NT Government’s vision of attracting and retaining people to the regions.

In total, this project aims to deliver 180 dwellings in Alice Springs, with the dwellings to be designed, delivered and maintained by the private sector. Half of these will be used for key workers, the remainder to be offered for sale or rent in the private market.

The NT Government will commit to a minimum 10 year head-leases for up to 90 key worker dwellings in Alice Springs.

Securing Land

LDC is seeking to offer a Registration of Interest (ROI) process for parties participating in the Northern Territory Government’s Regional Accelerated Housing Program for Alice Springs. This would exclusively dedicate specific land lots for the process to give certainty to ROI participants during the process.

Land Tenure

LDC is willing to offer ‘Builders Lease’ terms. This arrangement provides time for builders to undertake construction of the dwelling before settlement and payment for the land is required. During the lease, a Builder is only required to pay the outgoings on the land.

LDC will consider the applicable lengths for Builders Leases, subject to the number of lots required by each process participant. Upon either issue of Certificate of Occupancy, or Builders Lease expiry (whichever is earlier), payment is completed and title transferred. This would coincide with commencement of rent under NTG head leases.

What does LDC’s ROI process involve?

The process comprises two key steps:

  1. Registration: between 5 – 31 December 2022 participants must register using the below form.
  2. Land Reservation: LDC will then consider allocation of land to participants to specifically reserve land exclusively for the process until award.

LDC may, within its discretion, allocate land to participants with timing which varies from the above.

In completing a registration below, participants are no bound or committed to purchase any lots at this time.

A brochure for information on the process can be viewed here.


For more information about the Registration of Interest process and to discuss your interest, please contact:

Hannah Barraza | Business Director
Land Development Corporation
P: (08) 8944 0909

Complete your Registration

To register, please provide the following information: